Ploiesti - Local Agenda 21
Theme: Local Agenda 21 (LA21) was developed and adopted at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, as a vehicle for promoting sustainable development.
The Bruntland Report defines sustainable development as".development that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".
A few diplomatic words from the Mayor explaining why this project is important for the city
Implemented succesfuly the action plans of LA21 programme might be the key of local democratic proces development, having at least two meanings: a local government process more professional and the development of local democracy by increasing citizens involvement - including the bussines environment representatives, NGO's and other structures of civil society - in defining and implementing the local development strategy.
The description of the project
LA 21 promotes and seeks to strike a delicate balance between economic growth, social equity and environmental protection.
The concept of sustainable development calls for a constant re-evaluation of the relationship between man and nature, and solidarity between generations, as the only viable option for long-term development.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office in Romania actively promoted sustainable development through its support of the project . The programme was first implemented in nine pilot cities under the coordination of the National Centre for Sustainable Development.
Local Agenda 21 in Ploiesti Municipality aimed to achieve the following objectives:
- Economic development;
- Environmental protection;
- Better living standards;
- Preservation of local traditions and provision of equal opportunities to education;
- Public participation in the decision-making process.
In Ploiesti, Local Agenda 21 designed the Local Sustainable Development Strategy that consists of three documents: Local Strategy for Sustainable Development, Local Action Plan and Priority Projects.
Local Strategy for Sustainable Development:
- was an assesment of the economic, social and environment system
- brought as a novelty the citizens involvement in designing the strategy, transparency of the implied actions, comunication and cooperation for comunity and city benefit.
Local Action Plan:
- contains achievment methods of the objectives defined within the strategy
Priority Projects:
- it were identified with priority 10 projects on the Local Action Plan basis.
Defining the Ploiesti Strategic Development Concept stressed the local policy involving all groups of interests.
Therefore in the next period of 10-15 years, that strategy will allow the correlation of policy makers decisions for comunity progres, enhanced an unitary concept reffering to the necessary steps to folow for a sustainable development.
The project's identity card
The duration of the project: 2000-2003
Financed by: United Nations Development Programme, Capacity 21 Programme and the Department for International Development
Project website address:
Person to contact
The name of the person: Cozia-Roxana Georgescu
Address: Romania, Ploiesti, 100 066, B-dul Republicii, nr.2-4
Telephone: +40 244 591 256
Email address: