" Ploestii - as almost all our cities - rose from a village. The origin of this village is lost in the remote past. The legend speaks of a group of six houses, hidden in a plain of the Vlasia forest, under Mos Ploae. The founders of Ploesti village sat down on the outskirts of Vlasia, long time ago, in harsh times, because otherwise they would have chosen not so strong places. The seven householders ran from somewhere - hit by foreign soldiers, ruled by a master, crudely executed on the log. Long time ago or earlier, the peasants ruled by Mos Ploae - came from who knows where, with the hives or the cattle.
The beginnings of Ploesti village are mixed up with the fiery work of clearing the woods . The successors represented perfectly this hard work on the stem of Ploesti: two lions uprooting an oak tree.
Some researchers from the past of Ploesti think that this village (even city) dates before 1400. In the village there was a wooden church - a nun's hermitage, as tradition says. In the place of the hermitage, Matei Basarab raised in 1639 the Princely Church, having as patrons Saints Peter and Pavel.
The village did not remain isolated. Between Ploesti and Brasov commercial bonds existed form long ago. The carters from Ploesti brought long ago goods from Brasov, first on the Teleajenului road, then along the Prahova River. This way, between 1500 - 1550 in the papers of Brasov city the names of a few carters from Ploesti appear: at 1503 Radu, at 1543 Dragoi, at 1545 Berivoi, Tudor, Avrut, Draghici, and Neagu. Through a document form 1567, Petru Voda - son of Mircea Voda - admits to bailiff Coresi having bought 5 estate flower beds from Avrut of Ploesti."
The raising of Ploesti became a legend.
Michael the Brave founded Ploesti city in 1599, once with the concentration of the troops, which, in the fall of this year, passed in Ardeal. The places were familiar to him through the richness of the game and the fishing. He has even built courts here. Michael the Brave has chosen this point for the gathering of the troops, considering both Teleajenului road and the possibilities of rich and cheap provision in that place where the plain, the hill and the mountain meet, with their different products and where the crossroads of the important roads may facilitate the exchange of goods."
The growth of Ploesti Fair
"Ploesti Fair is bound to the name of Michael the Brave - the one who rebelled against the Turks and who, for a moment, united the Romanian provinces in a single body.
Michael the Brave allowed Ploiesti to be a Fair. in the market the merchants and the craftsmen came with the goods and they unloaded their saddle bags and put the things down on the ground. Here waistcoats and short coats were spread on the ground, as well as shiny old fashioned accessories for ladies. The merchants pulled the wagons with fish, wood and wine. The selling was made near the wagon and nearby the cattle was sold.
As Ploesti Fair was founded, so were all the Romanian fairs - and they were set up right before our eyes.
After 1600 two weekly markets were held between Teleajen and Prahova: one in Targsor and another one in Ploiesti.
The development of Ploesti was methodically going on. At the middle of the XVIIIth century Ploesti is named "leader city". "In Ploesti were living now, writes D. Zagorit, - the chiefs of the Prahova district, the decent.
The old men were to rule freely the estate and Ploesti Fair."
"Monografia orasului Ploesti" - Mihail Sevastos |